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Basketball Player, Gilbert Arenas... Mr. Funny Guy?

Orlando Magic’s very own Gilbert Arenas has been on somewhat of an ermmmm… Twitter spree lately, taking on to rapid tweets and corny jokes, to say the least. (We won’t even mention how he sometimes says “find” instead of “fine” or completely runs one sentence into another, afterall, we’re a Radio Show… This isn’t English class.) Regardless, Mr. Arena, who apparently went on a blind date last night, was not ashamed to bring the date to us! Check out some of the tweets he sent while ON date:
Got hooked up on a blind date..and I guess she was blind when she picked out this outfit ..OMG I thought she was the queen of ZAMUNDA
And they want me to go in public with her..I thought she had a bunch of stretch marks but it was just her shirt..lookn like SIMBA
She just had the nerve to ask me if I like her shirt…”ummmmmm yea on my floor near the fire place”imma call PETA to come get you
Look at this hot mess…she all most caught me takin the pic..
Oh, what wonderful dating etiquette you have sir. Your jokes were so… Hilarious?? To be honest, I found the jokes to be a bit “elementary” and trying-too-’hardish’-and-it’s-still-not-working…ish. =/ I wonder if he was laughing so hard when he got served those child support papers during halftime against The Heat earlier this year? :D
To follow Sir Joke-A-Lot clickkkkkk………. HERE! (Earlier this morning he was bitching about not being verified yet! I wonder why….)